
16 Keto-Friendly Snacks For Anyone Cutting Back On Carbs

When following a keto diet, it's important to find snacks that are low in carbs but still satisfying and delicious. To help you stay on track with your carb intake, we've put together a list of 16 keto-friendly snacks that are perfect for anyone cutting back on carbs.


And as a bonus, we've included gimme seaweed in the list because not only is it low in carbs, but it's also packed with nutrients and flavor!

1. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a great snack for anyone on a keto diet. They are high in protein and contain minimal carbs, making them the perfect snack to keep you feeling full between meals.

2. Avocado

Avocados are a keto dieter's best friend. They are high in healthy fats and have very few carbs, making them ideal for snacking.

3. Cheese Crisps

Cheese crisps are a delicious and crunchy snack that is perfect for satisfying your cravings while keeping your carb intake low. They are made from melted cheese that is baked until crispy.

4. Turkey Roll-Ups

Turkey roll-ups are a great option for keto-friendly snacking. Simply take some deli turkey slices and fill them with your favorite cheese or veggies for a quick and tasty snack.

5. Almonds

Almonds are a great source of healthy fats and protein, making them the perfect keto snack. Just make sure to portion control as they can be high in calories if eaten in excess.

6. Deli Meat and Cheese Roll-Ups

Similar to turkey roll-ups, deli meat and cheese roll-ups are a great keto-friendly snack option. Use your favorite deli meats and cheeses for a satisfying and low-carb snack.

7. Pork Rinds

Pork rinds are a popular snack among those following a keto diet. They are high in protein and have zero carbs, making them the perfect guilt-free snack.

8. Cucumber Slices with Cream Cheese

Cucumber slices topped with cream cheese make for a refreshing and low-carb snack. The crunch of the cucumber combined with the creaminess of the cheese is sure to satisfy your cravings.

9. Olives

Olives are a great source of healthy fats and make for a tasty keto-friendly snack. Just be mindful of portion control as they can be high in sodium.

10. Gimme Seaweed

gimMe Snacks

Gimme seaweed is a great option for snacking while on a keto diet. Not only is it low in carbs, but it's also packed with nutrients and makes for a delicious and crunchy snack.

With only 25 calories per serving and so much flavor, you can eat these seaweed snacks plain or use them to dress up any meal, from rice bowls to salads. They come in five flavors: sea salt, olive oil, toasted sesame, wasabi, and teriyaki.

Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $19.99.

11. Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

Fat bombs are a popular keto snack that is made with high-fat ingredients like peanut butter, coconut oil, and cocoa powder. They are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth while keeping your carb intake low.

12. Celery Sticks with Cream Cheese or Peanut Butter

Celery sticks topped with cream cheese or peanut butter make for a satisfying and low-carb snack. The crunch of the celery combined with the creamy toppings is sure to keep you satisfied.

13. Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is a great on-the-go keto snack that is high in protein and low in carbs. Just be sure to choose a brand that is low in added sugars.

14. Zucchini Chips

Zucchini chips are a tasty alternative to traditional potato chips for those following a keto diet. Simply slice zucchini into thin rounds, season with your favorite herbs and spices, then bake until crispy.

15. Tuna Salad Stuffed Avocado

Tuna salad stuffed avocado makes for a quick and easy keto-friendly snack. Simply mix canned tuna with mayo and your preferred seasonings, then scoop it into an avocado half.

16. Cauliflower Hummus with Veggie Sticks

Cauliflower hummus is a delicious and low-carb twist on traditional chickpea hummus. Serve it with veggie sticks like carrots, celery, and bell peppers for a satisfying and nutritious snack.

Overall, with the variety of keto-friendly snacks available, you won't feel like you're missing out on anything while cutting back on carbs. And don't forget to add gimme seaweed to your list of go-to snacks for a tasty and nutrient-packed option!